Stese Wagner

Executive Creative Director, Ogilvy Berlin, Germany

“Stese” Wagner is so creative, she even made up her own first name when she was 12. After getting a Diploma in Psychology she felt ready for the crazy advertising business. She worked for Jung von Matt, TBWA and Heimat (2000-2005) and for many other agencies as a freelancer (2005-2015). 

Advertising was not enough for her, so she hosted a comedy talkshow for 7 years, wrote a book, married, adopted a dog, had a child, and won the Grimme Online Award (most prestigious awards for German television & internet) for the German culture Blog “Riesenmaschine”. 

In 2015 she entered the door of Ogilvy Berlin as a Creative Director for Coca-Cola Germany and Western Europe, Fanta Germany and many more like Mein Kampf against racism, Escalating Gifs, Snaposter. She’s ECD today – not only because of the many beautiful awards she won. 
